Connect to your Audience. That’s where it all starts.
One of the biggest reasons why so many pitches fail is that we fail to CONNECT with our listeners.
Connection is where it all starts. Connect, and it’s easier to get people to buy-into your ideas. Fail to connect, and it’s an uphill battle all the way. So here are 8 important things I hope you will consider next time you try to pitch an idea to someone else:
1. It’s never about you. It’s always about them. Get out of your own head and into their’s.
2. Find a Perspective that they can not just relate to, but be strongly engaged by.
3. Pitch Problems, sell Solutions. If I cannot feel the pain, I won’t get off my butt to take action.
4. Info alone is just Info. Might as well read the tech spec. But info combined with emotion becomes a message that is memorable and compelling. Find the emotion in the “why” of what you are pitching.
5. Stories, metaphors or examples are so much better than statistics. Make your points with stories. Let them know a little about the drama that made the idea happen in the first place. It will make your pitch so much more interesting.
6. Speak with genuine conviction. Your voice exposes your true emotions. Be more conscious of HOW you speak.
7. Dare to make real eye contact. “Eye to eye. It’s the most powerful connection in the world.” ― Sophie Kinsella
8. Be you. The most powerful pitch of all is when we simply and totally are just ourselves… vulnerable, sometimes uncertain, engaged, caring and truly connected to the reasons why we are pitching what we are pitching. Life’s short my friend. Make the most of it, and live with passion.
Come and join me for a webinar on Thursday, November 29, 2018 at 16:00 CET to learn about THE ART OF PITCHING. It may completely change how you pitch your ideas to the world.